Looking for a physical book or textbook? If you can't find what you're looking for, please ask a librarian for help.
Scroll our A-Z list of databases or narrow them down by subject.
The library also has a streaming film service called SWANK available for students and faculty as well, but the process to view these films is unique. Please email erin.duane@solano.edu with questions.
Search here to see if our library has e-copies of a particular magazine or journal. Ex: Time, National Geographic, Journal of the American Medical Association
Librarian Chat is available 24/7; you may get assistance from a librarian at a different school & a SCC librarian may follow up via email.
Outside of these hours, e-ref chat is available and will be staffed by non-Solano College librarians. If your question requires a Solano College librarian, please email scclibrary@solano.edu and one of us will respond within 24 hours.
When the chat session ends, you can request that a transcript of the chat be emailed to you.
Study quietly or with a small group in one of our rooms. Make a reservation up to two weeks in advance here:
Usage subject to protocols outlined on our FAQ/Policies page.
(We do have a Quiet Study room available as well; no reservation required!)
You can search our magazine collection and read directly on your computer, or download the Flipster app to your mobile device and manage your magazine reading there. You will need a library card to use the Flipster app.