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Criminal Justice

Starting point for research and library resources related to the field of Criminal Justice.

Criminal Justice research tools

In any research project, narrowing your topic and collecting related/alternative keyword terms is critical.  If you're lost on where to begin or how to narrow down your topic (or your search results), please don't hesitate to get in touch with your librarians.  We love to help you with research!criminal justice word cloud

Useful Subject Databases

Criminal Justice e-books

These are just a few e-books from our collection... there are hundreds more!  Ask a librarian for help if you can't find what you're looking for.

Books (digital ebooks & print)

When you're ready to dig deeper into your topic, or just need something good to read:


Search almost all of your library's databases at once!

Google your library's databases:
Limit Your Results

Lost on how to navigate the EBSCOHost databases or OneSearch? Watch this quick video from Seminole State Library on how to use Academic Search Complete, one of the large/general sub-databases within OneSearch.


4000 Suisun Valley Road
Fairfield, CA 94534
(707) 864-7000
2001 North Village Parkway
Vacaville, CA 95688
(707) 863-7836
545 Columbus Parkway
Vallejo, CA 94591
(707) 864-7292
530 Hickam Ave., Bldg. 249
Travis Air Force Base, CA 94535
(707) 424-2431